<b>History:</> The Dandie Dinmont is an old terrier breed from the border area between England and Scotland. The Dandie Dinmont was probably developed from the now extinct Scotch Terrier (not to be confused with today's Scottish Terrier.) He was used by farmers to kill vermin. The Dandie Dinmont was named after a character in a famous novel, Guy Mannering, by Sir Walter Scott. This breed was at one time popular with gypsies, but has also been a favorite of the very rich. The Dandie Dinmont is primarily known as a companion today, but he still retains his talents for catching vermin. He has also been used for hunting rabbit, otter and badger.
<b>Description:</> The Dandie Dinmont is a long, low terrier with a weasely outline. The broad head is covered with a distinctive silky topknot. The legs are short and muscular. The head is large (but still in good proportion to the body) with a strong forehead, defined stop, and black nose. The teeth meet in scissors bite and are large for the size of the dog. The 3- 4 inch ears are pendant, wide near the head, tapering almost to a point. The hazel eyes are luminous, large, and round, set wide and low, with a gentle, wise expression. The 8 to 10 inch long tail is carried with an upward curve like a scimitar. It is thick at the base, gets thicker for about 4 inches and then tapers. The unique, 2 inch long crisp-textured coat contains a mixture of harsh and soft hairs. The hair on the underside is softer than on the upper body, and the hair on top of the head and upper ears is even softer and silkier. The breed comes in two colors, pepper or mustard. Pepper puppies are born black and tan, with a silvering gene. Adult pepper Dandies have the same coloring as the salt-and-pepper Schnauzer. Mustard puppies are born very dark brown which lightens into varying shades of red at adulthood. The topknot and furnishings on pepper Dandies are silver and on mustard Dandies, cream colored. Front dewclaws are removed when puppies are three or four days old.
<b>Notes:</> The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is a relatively healthy breed overall, but is best bought from a responsible breeder. Hypothyroidism is not uncommon in the older dog. A few lines have had incidences of glaucoma and epilepsy. Should be kept trim, as overweight, underexercised dogs can have back problems. Do not let this dog off leash except in a safe, enclosed area, as he will take off after a cat or imagined prey. Has a big bark for a small dog.
<b>Personality:</> Affectionate and fun-loving, a great companion dog. Lively, plucky, determined and willful. Independant. Bold yet dignified. Reserved. Protective of home and family. Good with all considerate children, including babies as long as raised with them from puppyhood. Dominance level varies greatly. Males can be aggressive with other male dogs in the household. It is best not to keep two intact male dogs together.
<C>Children:</C> Best with older, considerate children.
<C>Friendliness:</C> Reserved with strangers.
<C>Trainability:</C> Slightly difficult to train.
<C>Independence:</C> Needs people a lot.
<C>Dominance:</C> Moderate.
<C>Other Pets:</C> May be aggressive with dogs of the same sex; do not trust with non-canine pets.
<C>Combativeness:</C> Tends to be fairly dog-aggressive.
<C>Noise:</C> Likes to bark.
<b>Grooming and Physical Needs:</>
<C>Grooming:</C> Regular grooming needed.
<C>Trimming & Stripping:</C> Professional trimming or stripping needed.
<C>Coat:</C> Medium coat.
<C>Shedding:</C> Very light.
<C>Exercise:</C> Moderate exercise needed.
<C>Jogging:</C> A fair jogging companion.
<C>Indoors:</C> Fairly active indoors.
<C>Apartments:</C> Good for apartment living.
<C>Outdoor Space:</C> A small yard is sufficient.
<C>Climate:</C> Does well in most climates.
<C>Owner:</C> Good for novice owners.
<C>Longevity:</C> Moderately long lived (12 to 15 years).
<b>Talents:</> hunting, tracking, watchdog, and guarding.
<b>For More Information:</>
Call the AKC Breeder Referral Hotline: 1-900-407-PUPS for the name of a breeder referral representative in your area. Cost is 99 cents per minute.
Photo copyright: Cook PhoDOGraphy 1995. All rights reserved.